Uwaga – mamy dla Was kolejny konkurs z języka angielskiego!

Językowcy – wiemy jak bardzo lubicie wyzwania, więc mamy dla Was wyjątkowy challenge!

W ostatnim konkursie spisaliście się rewelacyjnie w pisaniu… a teraz nadeszła pora na mówienie!

Waszym zadaniem będzie nagrać filmik – więc przy okazji przemienicie się reżyserów. Szczegóły konkursu poniżej – oczywiście w języku angielskim 😉

W razie pytań piszcie na uniwersytetdzieciecy@ujw.pl lub zapytajcie Wasze Panie lektorki.



If you are keen on making films and fond of animals then you’ll be interested in our new competition. Put your best paw forward in our pets film competition.

The challenge is to create a film that presents your favourite animal friends. Share your creative presentation of cats, dogs, lizards, birds, rats — all pets are welcome!

You can use the following hints:

  • Name and age of the animal.
  • How and when did you get it?
  • What is their daily routine?
  • What do they enjoy doing? What do they hate doing?
  • What do they make you feel?
  • Can they do any tricks?

Feel free to use your own ideas. Sky is the limit!


  • The form of the film is free (e.g. a kind of documentry, live coverage or slides) but you have to speak English!
  • The film shouldn’t last longer than 3 minutes.
  • The work that is the most creative and gripping wins!
  • The winners’ films will be shown on our website and our social media! *

Nice rewards are waiting for you!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate and ask your teachers for help! We are for you!

The competition is now OPEN. The deadline is on 20th May.

Send your works on our address:  uniwersytetdzieciecy@ujw.pl


* With your consent.


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Polish your English!

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